Monday, February 27, 2012


She did it!

Why, oh why, did she insist on waiting for another cold snap?  -22°C last night, and these little guys were very wet and weak this morning.  Goats in the sunroom, again. 

They couldn't stand to nurse, and the one on the right couldn't even latch on.  I milked Mama a bit, then after repeatedly sticking her teat in his mouth he finally got it.

The stronger of the two nearly stood up, but not quite.
They'll be staying inside for a couple of days.  It's supposed to start warming up on Wednesday (-15°C overnight).  If they're looking better by then, we'll transition them back outside through the day.

For the moment, we're not even going to attempt to sex them.  We'll wait until they're a little stronger.

Update:  After posting, I read a comment from Tayet on another post, and went to check out this link she shared,
Fias Co Farm
Now, seriously, what could possibly be easier?  No wrangling, no man handling, just lift the tail!

Our little girl is the stronger of the pair.  The other one's a boy!


  1. My babies were born yesterday afternoon! Twin girls. I'm so happy for both yours and mine. I hope they get stronger soon.

  2. oh Wendy they are sooo cute! i am glad that you are keeping them in the sunroom for a few days - and i am glad that you figured out how to sex them - now i know how to, too - bahahahhah!

    your friend,

    1. lol, there's some helpful info for you! You should get a few goats to help keep the brush down around your place.

  3. A boy and a girl. Congrats! I'm glad I could help with the sexing of baby goats!

  4. Congratulations to the new mom! Nubian, eh? Are all you goats Nubians? We had Toggs when we had goats. My girlfriend has lamanchas. I don't know what I'll get next time...tell me, are they as vocal as people say?

    1. Mutts. They're all mutts. Nanner is a pygmy. Mama and Lucy were sold in the same lot at auction, from the same farm, and look nothing alike. Mama looks kind of boer to me. She was pregnant when we bought her, and her first kids were very solid and mostly white. With Oscar as the papa, we've had skinnier, shaggier kids, wattles, and more brown kids. He's white with wattles and pointy ears. Mutts, the lot of them.

    2. Oh! I couldn't see the size in the photo. I'm not sure who is who yet either. I was just going by the ears :-)

    3. Ah, no worries. I'm just guessing from appearance. We were told our original goat, Spot, was a pygmy at auction. That's why we got Nanner. Then he kept growing and growing, until he was about triple her size. Since then I don't pay too much heed to what they claim at the auction.

  5. Okaaay. Great pics of anuses and At least this involves no sticking of the finger in anywhere to feel. Your sunroom is going to get a workout, it appears. Congratulations!

    1. Yes, a much simpler operation. Should work for calves too, I think.


    Here I am again with the sexing of animals. When in doubt, Google is your friend. =)

    1. No lifting the tail? :( I should have known it wouldn't be that easy. That's pretty much how we've been checking everything thus far. Wrestle them to the ground and take a peak. Some of their mamas aren't fans though. Thanks for the link!
