I start every day making coffee for #1 to take in his thermos, then tea for me (my tea 'coffee pot' bit the dust last week), waking kids, packing lunches. Then I start a pot of pig slop cooking, and enjoy a bit of computer time and drink my tea.
When the pig slop is done, I pour it in their bucket, then refill the pot for the meat birds. Since the pigs seem so satiated and content, and the volume increases with cooking, I thought I'd try it with the meat birds. It's a little better, but they're still very, very hungry. I started letting them back out to free range through the day.
When the bird slop is done, I take both buckets out, turn on the hose, and go feed and water them both.
I let the birds out, then pick a bucket full of raspberry leaves for the pigs. I hook the water up to one of the greenhouse hoses, lift the plastic door, and head back to the house.
Next up is Murphy and Mildred. They spend the nights together in the old chicken pen. I plug the kettle in and get the powder for Murphy's bottle. I have just enough time for a second cup of tea before it's done. I go out with the bottle, milk buckets and teat wash. Murphy gets fed first, then let loose in the yard. I get Mildred's grain from the workshop and I milk.
About this time Sharlotte and Mindy return from their nightly wanderings- they're still getting out!! I open the gate and let them back in the pasture. I take Mildred out and tie her in the yard.
I get my milk buckets, the bottle, etc., and take them back to the house to strain and wash. Once the new milk is in the freezer, I skim the cream off the old milk and start the butter in my kitchen aid mixer.
I go out and get my water trailer and start it filling, turn off the water to the greenhouse,
then it's time to feed the dogs. Afterward, I refill the doggy stew pot and set it on to cook.
Cindy enjoying her chow. |
Out to the new coop to see my ladies. They reward me with an egg about every other day. I have one of the old girls in with Sexy rooster, and another with White rooster. No eggs from either of them yet. I have an old red and the last barred rock in with Spotted rooster, and it's there that I find the eggs. I believe the barred rock is doing all the work, with an occasional egg from someone else. The rest of the ladies, in with Original rooster, have not produced an egg since I took the other four hens out. I feed and water them all, collect the egg, feed and water Mouser, and go back to the house.
I drain the butter water into the pig slop pot, add new, restart.
The egg, if there was one, gets dated and goes to the basement, where they all get a slight turn and continue to await the incubator.
I take the water trailer out to drain into the pasture tub.
One more butter rinse is usually enough, then I work it over with a spatula to get any remaining water out, then into a container to freeze. I get the milk from the freezer and put it in the fridge.
I take the laundry out, remove yesterday's, if dry, and hang it up. Morning chores complete.
One more cup of tea, and then I find something to do for the day. Odd jobs I've been working on...
- Finishing the new coop.
- Firewood (just some bits and pieces left in the yard from construction and fence posts, so far)
- Piling firewood in the basement (there's a good pile tossed down that I've been working on piling properly)
- Cleaning out the old coop and chicken pen
- Picking up random stuff, like shoes, scattered across the yard.
- Painting trailers
After the first coat of paint. |
- Woodshed plastic and strapping
- Pickling cucumbers
- Making snacks for lunches- jello, puddings, macaroni salads, cookies...
- Picking tomatoes
- Tidying up the house
- Washing dishes
I keep a white board on the fridge with a running list of odd jobs for the boys to do or help me with when they get home from school. #2 added tin to my trailer one night,
both of the Bigs have put in a couple of fence posts, #1 helped with the new coop and adjusted the garden gates, the Littles have unloaded manure onto the garden, and #3 helped with the woodshed plastic and put away the rototiller for winter. Just little things that they can get done within an hour. It all adds up, and helps get the fall chores finished and out of the way.
Then supper, homework, tv or computer, then off to bed to start again the next day.